can birth control make your vag smell

Your birth control may not be right for you if you experience skin changes such as increased acne or facial hair. Dark Brown Vaginal Discharge.

Vaginal Odor Sexual Health Fpa Women S Health

Semen already has a really high pH.

. Eat a balanced diet. If your natural pH levels are in balance you are less likely to notice a fishy vaginal odor. However there are many women who have noticed a change in their feminine odor after taking birth control pills or using other methods of birth control.

The smell of your vagina may. The estrogen in the pill can also cause an increase in arousal fluid meaning you might also notice extra fluid before and during sex. I just recently started birth control like 4 days ago.

The reason quite simply is that the birth control pills are. Up to 15 cash back Can being on Yaz birth control make your vagina smell bad. Vaginal discharge from the birth control pill can be consistent or it can come and go.

A change in odor of the vagina could be related to many things. According to a study published in Elsevier going on the Pill can increase a womans vaginal lubrication and as a. However if you are concerned as it seems you are get it checked by you doctor.

It could mean you have an infection but it can also be caused by your birth control. Estrogen also helps keep your vaginal tissues lubricated so when there is less of it this means there is less blood flow to the tissue resulting in dryness of either the vagina or vulva. White vinegar can help neutralize odors by breaking down odor proteins and a white vinegar bath may help eliminate vaginal odor and help restore pH levels in the vagina.

I am in the military. Birth control pills raise the pH of the vagina which encourages normal bacteria to overgrow. Vaginal itching after stopping birth control Ended birth control missed period vaginal discharge Morning-after pill while on birth control pill Missed three days of my birth control pill just started bleeding.

The smell will be Bacterial Vaginosis which has nothing to do with the pill andor pelvic exam and vaginal. I take the pill trivora its a high hormone pill. 5 Just a half cup each of white vinegar and sea salt in lukewarm bath water several times a week may do the trick.

The discharge has an offensive smell white yellowish color with small bubbles in it but not. Is this normal for first time birth control users. Certain influences like your diet can positively or negatively affect this balance.

This could be due to the hormonal effects of the. As a general rule a balanced diet rich in fruits vegetables whole grains and lean proteins will elicit a softer scent. - Answered by a verified Health Professional.

There are things you can do to minimize the smell like maintaining proper hygiene wearing cotton underwear taking probiotic supplements and avoiding. Its normal for your vagina to have its own unique smell but a very strong odor may signal a problem. Although most of the semen.

Semens alkalinity can alter the pH of the vagina and change its smell immediately. A slight vaginal odor is completely normal but a strong smell can indicate that something is off. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them.

Ever since i started taking it ive noticed that my vagina does not smell very pleasant and its a little bit itchy. I have been to the doctor and they continue to tell me it is just a symptom from my birth control but have not sent me to a gynecologist. Be sure to eat a nutritious diet full of vitamins and minerals to keep everything in tip-top shape.

On Birth Control Missing period and cramping didnt have actual sex IrregularLight Period on Birth. According to the Centers for Disease Control strong vaginal odor is most typically a sign of a common vaginal infection. The first thing to try is a good probiotic which repopulates good bacteria throughout your body.

Types Thank you for choosing XXXXXXX Most probably it could be vaginal infection Diagnosis is made through symptoms Some. Its normal to experience some fluctuations in vaginal discharge throughout your cycle even after you start using. Less pain during sex.

Addiction Medicine 43 years experience. Vaginal odor is any unpleasant odor that comes from the vagina. Use a silicone-based lubricant like one from Female Founded Female Led Pulse or apply a hormonal cream which can be prescribed by your doctor.

We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. For over four months I have been experiencing vaginal discharge that has an offensive smell. So the combination of the two produces bacteria with a bad odor in some women.

Im a little concerned. The reason it changes the smell is because it alters the pH of the vagina. Can taking Birth Control change the smell of your vagina.

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